Shawnee Mission Medical Center Er - Medical Center Information

Shawnee Mission Medical Center Emergency Room (ER) in Merriam, KS

Shawnee Mission Medical Center Er - Medical Center Information. Be the first to leave a review. Additional information including their phone number, fax, accreditation, affiliations, staffing, and services are available for you to review below.

Shawnee Mission Medical Center Emergency Room (ER) in Merriam, KS
Shawnee Mission Medical Center Emergency Room (ER) in Merriam, KS

Shawnee mission medical center is rated an above average hospital nationally with 4 stars out of 5. Shawnee mission medical center is an accredited drug treatment center in overland park, kansas, specializing in dual diagnosis, mental health and substance abuse, helping people change their lives through sobriety. Shawnee mission medical center is listed as a hospital in shawnee mission, kansas. Be the first to leave a review. Be brave like ukraine shawnee mission medical center reviews 270 2.9. The emergency department at ssm health st. Read reviews of shawnee mission medical center. Shawnee mission medical center is a place where you can find the help and support that you need to get clean. Call adventhealth shawnee mission at. 175 s wilkes barre blvd.

175 s wilkes barre blvd. Call adventhealth shawnee mission at. Office location(s), directions, and general information. Call us to get started. Since june 2007, a total of around 5,000 square meters of rental space has been available. Read reviews of shawnee mission medical center. 21 rows shawnee mission medical center shawnee mission, ks. These measures reflect common conditions. In 2011 the izmp was renamed medical valley center. Shawnee mission medical center is an accredited drug treatment center in overland park, kansas, specializing in dual diagnosis, mental health and substance abuse, helping people change their lives through sobriety. For business login or sign up search.