Top-Up Your Duty Deferment Account Using The Customs Declaration Service -
Top-Up Your Duty Deferment Account Using The Customs Declaration Service - This provides you with a deferment account number (dan). Option to use delayed declarations in place of a full customs declaration at the point of import.
If you move goods frequently, consider applying for a duty deferment account and customs comprehensive guarantee, if required; This can only be done when your account is active. We have created a business friendly tool that will consider both your needs and those of your customers when handling customs declarations. You pay any duties owed via a monthly direct debit. Duty deferment account if you use a duty deferment account, either for declaring your own imports, or on behalf of another business on cds, you’ll need to make sure that the duty deferment account holder completes a new direct debit instruction to use cds. If you want to defer vat you must: It does not affect your customs handling of import and export freight ( chief) deferment account. If you have a customs declaration service deferment account and are eligible to use the customs declaration service, you must set up a new direct debit. If you are approaching or reach your monthly deferment limit, you can make a payment to increase your available balance. This provides you with a deferment account number (dan).
You pay any duties owed via a monthly direct debit. Cds will replace chief as the uk’s single customs platform. Find out what types of authorised economic operator status you can. Apply for a duty deferment account and guarantee. Authorise your agent to use the account. This is beneficial if you have not yet put in place procedures to make full customs declarations or have signed up for simplified customs declaration processes. This will ensure payments are made to the correct bank account number. It does not affect your customs handling of import and export freight ( chief) deferment account. Make a payment into your cash account. Set up a direct debit for a duty deferment account on the customs declaration service; You can find more information about deferment accounts, including how to apply on the ‘how to set up an account to defer duty payments when you import goods’ guidance page.